Tips on starting a chapter

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Following are some suggestions on how to found a local Linuxchix chapter. We think they'll help you find members and function well.

  1. Decide on your geographical size. LinuxChix chapters tend to be more successful if they have a wide net of potential members. Successful city-wide chapters tend to be in very large cities like Los Angeles, other successful chapters are region, province or nationwide. We suggest thinking about larger, rather than smaller, chapters. You can always have local meetings in your city within your chapter.
  2. Set up a mailing list and website.
  3. Once you have a few founding members, talk about whether you want your Linuxchix chapter to include males. Once you've made that decision, make your policy clear in any announcements that you make about your group.

Also discuss what you'd like your chapter to do:

Useful articles include:

The Linux User Group HOWTO, including the Founding a LUG and Maintaining and Growing a LUG sections; and The Recipe for a Successful Linux User Group by Rick Moen.