Join LinuxChix

This is an archived site. Information is out of date, site functionality is greatly reduced (no search, etc.), some links are broken and email addresses have been replaced with "address removed". Please see the current LinuxChix site for up to date information. This site will eventually be removed.

LinuxChix is open to women interested in Linux and Free Software, and women and men interested in supporting women in computing. Membership is free and informal: just start participating in our forums and you are a member.

LinuxChix has two main worldwide online forums: email lists and IRC chat. These forums are English language. If you're interested in Linux or supporting women in computing you are welcome. You could also join, or start, a regional chapter of LinuxChix.

If you have any trouble joining a LinuxChix forum, please consult Who runs LinuxChix and ask the relevant volunteer for help.

You can help us promote LinuxChix by adding a LinuxChix badge to your web site.

Before joining, review our membership policies and remember: be polite, be helpful!