This is an archived site. Information is out of date, site functionality is greatly reduced (no search, etc.), some links are broken and email addresses have been replaced with "address removed". Please see the current LinuxChix site for up to date information. This site will eventually be removed.
The jobposts list is where job advertisements are sent. This allows people looking for Linux and computer specialists to advertises jobs to the LinuxChix community without sending advertisements to our main lists. The only mails accepted for this list are job advertisements and announcements about changes to the list itself: no discussion is allowed.
If you're a jobposts subscriber you should keep in mind the following:
Please note that we do not accept job wanted postings, we only accept advertisements for jobs, not for people who want jobs.
Advertisements may be posted by any one of:
Please make sure your mail follows these guidelines. Advertisements not following them may be rejected.
Invitations to contact the advertiser directly for any of this information are not allowed as a substitute for this information.
Simply email your advertisement to jobposts-at-address-removed.
Please write your email directly for the readers, as we pass it directly to them. There is no need to include any hi, can you please approve this or I would like to post this ad text, as it is difficult for us to remove it before sending the ad on.
You will receive a message saying that your mail is held for moderation. This is normal. When your message is approved it will appear in the archives.
If you have any questions about jobposts, please email the moderators at