LinuxChix coordinators

This is an archived site. Information is out of date, site functionality is greatly reduced (no search, etc.), some links are broken and email addresses have been replaced with "address removed". Please see the current LinuxChix site for up to date information. This site will eventually be removed.

LinuxChix normally has three lead volunteers, known as the Tres Chix.

The Tres Chix are the lead LinuxChix volunteers, the authorities that approve (or don't) new projects under the LinuxChix banner, and the ones who lay down the law when contentious issues come up. They are also ultimately the people responsible for screwups and problems. They are elected by popular vote among the LinuxChix community.

The coordinators can be contacted at coordinator-at-address-removed

Currently there are only two active Tres Chix (yes, that means we're really Dos Chix).

The current coordinators are Akkana Peck and Carla Schroder.

Past coordinators

Past LinuxChix coordinators were:

  • Deb Richardson, LinuxChix founder, 1999–2001
  • Jenn Vesperman, May 2001–March 2007
  • Mary Gardiner, April 2007-June 2007
  • Sulamita Garcia, a Tres Chick from August 2007-July 2012.