Other groups for Women in Free Software

This is an archived site. Information is out of date, site functionality is greatly reduced (no search, etc.), some links are broken and email addresses have been replaced with "address removed". Please see the current LinuxChix site for up to date information. This site will eventually be removed.

  • The Open Source Initiative's women@opensource.org mailing list, email women-subscribe@opensource.org to subscribe
  • The Apache Women project, coordinated through the women@apache.org mailing list.
  • BSDChix, for women interested in the *BSD operating systems.
  • The Debian Women group, seeking to balance and diversify the Debian Project by actively engaging with interested women and encouraging them to become more involved with Debian.
  • The Fedora Women group, aiming to improve the representation of women within the Fedora community and to provide a forum for the women of the Fedora Community.
  • The GNOME Women group, dedicated to providing encouragement for women to contribute to GNOME, a free and open-source Linux/Unix desktop suite.
  • The KDE Women group, for all women who are contributing to KDE or want to get involved.
  • PHP Women: PHPWomen is a user group specifically targeted toward the women in the PHP world
  • Ubuntu Women, a group within Ubuntu encouraging women to contribute to Ubuntu.
  • Women 2.0, Women 2.0 aims to increase the number of young women entrepreneurs by encouraging women to work with and in the field of technology, providing resources that will lead to the launch of their company, and networking women with other female entrepreneurs, experienced executives, and investors.
  • DrupalChix, a group within Drupal encouraging women to contribute to Drupal.