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This course is a course in the use of the database management system, Postgresql. Although much less popular than its cousin, MySQL, it is, in fact, more robust, more powerful, and often faster. We'll cover installation, server administration, command-line client use, as well as connections via web and ODBC and other topics.
This course is designed for people who are beginner to medium on database management systems, but are fairly comfortable with the command line, and feel comfortable installing and configuring software.
Advanced MySQL users who just want to get a feeling for Postgresql are welcome, as well, but there are definitely weeks you'll want to skip (like the weeks reviewing SQL, for instance.)
The course will start on November 19th, with lessons and exercises posted at the beginning of the week.
Subscribe to the courses list to join (topic [Postgresql]) if you aren't already on it:
Also, there will be a moodle page: