This is an archived site. Information is out of date, site functionality is greatly reduced (no search, etc.), some links are broken and email addresses have been replaced with "address removed". Please see the current LinuxChix site for up to date information. This site will eventually be removed.
The announce list is a moderated list for announcements only.
All subscribers to any other LinuxChix list should consider subscribing to announce. It is very low traffic and only announcements relevant to the community will be posted to announce.
Please email announce in preference to cross-posting to the other lists. If your announcement is likely to spark discussion, please mark in your announcement which list you want followups sent to as discussion will not be allowed on announce.
If you're posting for an event (eg: chapter meeting, rally of some sort, lecture being offered, etc.) you should keep in mind the following guidelines:
You need enough location information so that people know if it's in their area or not. Remember, since LinuxChix come from around the world, you probably need to include the country. The date will also help the moderators because it's clear then if the post needs to be authorized quickly.