Letting us know

This is an archived site. Information is out of date, site functionality is greatly reduced (no search, etc.), some links are broken and email addresses have been replaced with "address removed". Please see the current LinuxChix site for up to date information. This site will eventually be removed.

You must let us know that you are starting a LinuxChix chapter, in order to use the LinuxChix name. Do the following:

  1. [Optional] If you would like to use a .linuxchix.org subdomain, please contact us and ask for one. You will need to provide an IP address where you are hosting, or nameservers.
  2. Subscribe to the chapters mailing list so that you can receive any announcements relating to LinuxChix policy, and share useful info with other chapter heads. This mailing list is English language, and very low volume.
  3. Please contact us and let us know you are starting a chapter. You must give a public contact email address at the very least, if you have a webpage and/or mailing list give details of those too.
  4. When you are ready to go, write to announce-at-address-removed and announce the formation of your chapter, together with your webpage, mailing list and first meeting, if you have any of these.

You are welcome to advertise all chapter meetings and events on announce-at-address-removed as well as your own mailing lists and webpages.