Tips for leading a chapter

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  • Accept that 80% if not more of all people involved don't want commitment beyond a mailing list and attending the meetings. This is the way of all groups. The attendees probably value other activities more. That's OK. You will do work on their behalf. If you don't want this, you probably don't have enough enthusiasm to run a chapter. That's fine, you have other stuff to do too.
  • Identify the 20% of people who can potentially help you run the chapter. Being able to say This month, I'm not attending our meeting, I'm letting two other chapter members run it. is a good thing. The ultimate aim is to ensure that there is a core group of about five people, each of whom could ensure the chapter's survival. If after six months, it's just you, again, you have a problem.
  • Watch out for burn out. Don't burn out; delegate. Otherwise one day you'll just lose it and shut down all the mailing lists and swear off Linux forever.
  • At some stage, let someone else become the chapter head or co-chapter head. This is a really good sign that you've established a long lasting group.