Tips on getting the word out

This is an archived site. Information is out of date, site functionality is greatly reduced (no search, etc.), some links are broken and email addresses have been replaced with "address removed". Please see the current LinuxChix site for up to date information. This site will eventually be removed.

  • Have a webpage. A webpage is a commitment free way to research a LUG (or anything). Potential members don't need to join a mailing list, or email anyone if they can read a webpage. Noone knows they looked at the webpage. There's a lower barrier to getting information.
  • Keep the webpage up-to-date.
  • It is possible to get subdomains (such as These give a short, easy to remember domain, and are easy to redelegate if leadership of the chapter changes. Contact us for more information.
  • When listing meeting dates, include the year of the meeting. It is frustrating to go to a site and not know if the meeting listed for July 15th is coming up in a few days, or was July 15th 2000. Keeping a last updated on tag at the bottom of your pages can assist with this as well.
  • Actively advertise outside LinuxChix. The lists are high volume and some local LinuxChix may not be on them for that reason.
  • In particular, advertise to your local LUG. You may catch some flames for having a female group, or a group aimed at females but you have the chance of reaching interested women. You may also want to refer them to the Linuxchix Issues FAQ.
  • When starting up, or running events of particular interest such as conferences or installfests, issue press releases to your local tech media outlets.
  • If there are nation-wide linux lists in your country advertise there too. (Mention that people from other areas might like to start their own chapter - ask them to subscribe to the chapters list if they want to do that.) Advertise at local universities and schools (some universities have a women in computing or other similar groups).
  • There are also some activist groups (anti-capitalism groups are often anti-Microsoft) who are using Linux, and have large numbers of women involved. These people will not be in LUGs. Neither will many professionals, particularly with a bit of experience. If you can reach them through professional mailing lists or contacts, that is awesome.
  • Register yourself with lists of LUGs:
  • Optionally, register yourself with Linux-friendly vendors: