Join our email lists (or read the archives)

This is an archived site. Information is out of date, site functionality is greatly reduced (no search, etc.), some links are broken and email addresses have been replaced with "address removed". Please see the current LinuxChix site for up to date information. This site will eventually be removed.

Linuxchix Mailing Lists

Below is an alphabetical listing of all the Linuxchix public mailing lists. Click on a list name to get more information about the list, or to subscribe, unsubscribe, and change the preferences on your subscription.

Please review our membership policies before joining our lists.

If you are having trouble using the lists, please use the contact form to contact us.


To subscribe to the LinuxChix mailing lists, go to the appropriate page (linked below) and follow the directions there.

Our lists

  • Actionchix - The LinuxChix Free Software/Open Knowledge projects list. LinuxChix work together on projects including documentation, code, educational and political resources.
    [List Archives]
  • Announce - Announcements from the Coordinator, or Chapter, List or Web volunteers. The announce list is used for general announcements such as chapter-specific announcements, new courses, etc. In short, anything that's high-signal, low-noise, and of general interest to LinuxChix can be announced. Please see the announce posting guidelines.
    [List Archives]
  • Chapters - LinuxChix chapter heads and coordinators.
    [Private Archives]
  • Courses - Courses on programming, security, languages, or anything else a volunteer cares to teach.
    [List Archives]
  • Grrls-only - Women-only list for general discussion (mostly) related to Linux.
    [No Archives]
  • Grrltalk - LinuxChix general discussion list: open topic.
    [Private Archives]
  • Issues - Discussion of issues relating to Linux, Open Source, technology and women. Any combination of one or more is okay - and so is most other philosophical or sociological discussion.
    [Private Archives]
  • Jobposts - Job posting opportunities for Linuxchix. Please see the jobposts guidelines.
    [List Archives]
  • Makers - For chixxors who are exploring DIY electronic and other projects. We'll talk Arduino and other microcontroller boards, RaspberryPi and other single board computers, sensors, robots, drones, 3D printing, and anything else people are interested in. Whatever level you are at, whether it be a total beginner, or have been doing this for years, you're welcome to join in. Join us in the #makers channel over on LinuxChix IRC.
    [List Archives]
  • Newchix - A separate place for people new to Linux and Open Source, or who think their question is 'too stupid'. (Hint: it's not.) Experienced Linux geeks are invited to listen in and answer questions.
    [Private Archives]
  • Programming - For Linuxchix who code. Questions & answers, and general discussion about programming specific topics. Any level.
    [List Archives]
  • Techtalk - Discussion of technical issues. Technical questions & answers, and discussion. Any level from absolute beginner to kernel hacker.
    [List Archives]
  • Volunteers - For Linuxchix website, mailing list and IRC volunteers, and anyone else helping keep LinuxChix running. Please join if you want to volunteer.
    [Private Archives]

Cross-posting (posting to multiple lists)

We prefer that messages are only posted to a single mailing list. Please see the list above to figure out which list is appropriate for your message and send to that one list only.

There are only a few situations when cross-posting is appropriate, and these cases are largely limited to list admins and the coordinators who may need to move discussions or make other important announcements that affect multiple lists.

Digest Versions

If you want digest versions of the lists, indicate this when you subscribe, or modify your subscription configuration later.


A quick note for people who are using you cannot send me mail unless you are whitelisted spam filters: if you subscribe to the linuxchix lists, you must whitelist the lists yourself. Sorry, but the admins are busy people and challenge-response email can take a long time to make work on our end. The admins will not reply to any please jump through these hoops to be whitelisted mails. Such messages will be treated as bounces, and if we get enough of them, we will unsubscribe you, like any other bouncing address.


Linuxchix has been on three hosts. Thanks to Terri Oda, the archives have been merged, so all posts starting from September 1999 are available. Go to each mailing lists' web page (linked to above) to view the archives. Some lists are not archived, and some lists' archives are only available to members. Archiving on other sites is not permitted.